I think it's time for another round of Five Things Friday! Keep reading if you want to know a few things that are going on in my little world! I apologize ahead of time for any randomness that may happen in this blog post. It would only scratch the surface of what goes on in my head. Scary, right?
Okay! Here it goes-
#1- I want to see The Martian movie that just came out!! It looks so good! Unfortunately, the book nerd in me won't go until I have read the book. I bought it over the weekend and can't wait to dive in!
photo credit
#2- I love the Fall so very much! I love the football, reading by the fire, cooler weather, spending time with family, and of course pumpkin spiced coffee! Mmmmmm
#3. My daughter cut her first tooth! It has been hard on us both :(
#4. I have a confession- Sometimes when I'm thrift shopping, I sing the Macklemore song in my head and feel like I'm winning at life. I almost always accompany the song with a little dance only to find that the person next to me is looking at me strangely. I believe that if she could hear the song in my head that she would then understand and accept me.... But she can't.... So she isn't.
#5. On most Fridays we eat pizza or other take out for the sole reason that me getting through the day and home alive has exerted all of my energy. I have nothing left in me to do anything.
I hope you all have a great weekend!!
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